Retreat to a magical universe helping you find ease, self-love and new inspiration. Come back to your world refreshed and capable, through an elevated perspective.

Meet powerful & playful Goddesses that affirm & support you. Immerse yourself in Sanctuaries that inspire & enchant. Open a Mystic Treasure Chest of meaningful distractions. Expand your emotional intelligence, by deciphering the Matroglyphs. Navigate this Universe via the Goddess Grid Map.

Explore the Goddesses

Meet powerful, radiant Goddesses who prompt you to reflect on your own brilliant attributes!

Most recent Goddess Sonarayas

Escape to Galactic Sanctuaries

Travel to far-off places within the Goddess’ realms, without leaving your home; indulge your senses in relaxing, and enchanting temples of the mind.

Featured Sanctuary  The Aeonic Athenaeum

Decode the Matroglyphs

(NEW!) Open your mind to new paths of emotional awareness, as you decipher the very pathways that create the Matriarx Universe. Apply these ideas to your life for greater emotional intelligence.

Featured Matroglyph  Emo+Sens Communication

Navigate the Goddess Grid Map

Encounter magical realms in this interactive map of the Galactic Matriarx Universe. There, you can see where everything is, and then hover/click on things to have them take you to those areas on the website!

Members add to Myceliana Cluster.

The Inner Realms

Go deeper into the Matriarx Universe by subscribing to being a part of this Universe. Find yourself home in the Goddess Grid, and get exclusive access to exclusive Goddesses, Sanctuaries, Matroglyphs, and Galactic Charms, as well as special

Let the Universe Decide…

If you’re at a loss for where to go, fear not. Tap the button below, and you will be whisked away to something magical…guaranteed!