“If your head is among the stars for long enough, you might turn into one.” ~ Jane




[Jay-n]: Jane’s disposition in life is that if it’s worth dreaming, it’s worth doing. Her outlook on life is centred on the idea that the universe will always conspire with her to make the most out of life. She loves lounging around, and if you need a cuddle buddy, there’s no one more suitable! Getting cozy with Jane is like hugging a cloud! If she’s snuggled up with you today, it’s because this StarQueen knows you’re ready to open up and be vulnerable enough to allow your dreams, and wishes to come to the surface.

  • Grid: H8 | Daughter of: Jazmyelle | Music

  • Master of: Dreaming Fearlessly

  • Goddess Vibe: Soft & Excitable

  • Colour Frequency: Orchid

Jane invites you to:

Let yourself dream, and be open to the possibilties of life!

Stay in touch with your inner desires and make space for them to flourish.

Allow yourself to bask fully in what you love.

Never let reality get in the way of your happiness.

Accept that sometimes doing nothing can accomplish more.

Invite your friends to share your passions.