The Identity of Arkaceous

Celestial Codex » Thalassia

Since the dawn of time, consciousness has been at the root of all creation. Why? Because without it, there would not be definition. Arkaceous was one of the first to realize this. In the early days of the cosmos, she manifested into one of her very first iterations and immediately began to seek the reason for her creation. Her older sister, Myceliana had been long busy establishing the primary pathways through which vibration translates to the material universe. In the grand scheme of the Galactic Thread, things are measured in billions of years. When the Matriarx have conversations, they often span across this scale of time.

Therefore, Arkaceous was deliberate and unhurried as she contemplated a question about the nature of identity. Having pondered long enough, she resolved to consult her sister about it. When she approached Myceliana, she wanted to be exact in her asking to gain the greatest insight from her question. She asked, “My eldest sister, you are the wisest of the Aeonic mothers this universe has yet to see so far… therefore I ask you: What is the nature of identity, of the self? And how is it that we come to reference ourselves as different from another, when at our core, we share the same consciousness?”

Myceliana sat in stillness, almost unresponsive (as she's been known to do). When she addressed her younger sibling, she did so with the full power of presence: “My sweet sister, do you know why you have been named Arkaceous?"

Arkaceous knew better than to open her mouth too soon, as Myceliana continued. “Your name literally means, 'The Record of Identity', and the reason for your name is this; in the expanding vastness of all that is, we must establish a context for the existence of any one thing, or being. That is to say, without a point of reference, we cannot see, define, communicate, or share it with another. Your ego has been defined to shine a light on your limitless nature - and yet, it spotlights the beauty of your individual choices as a daughter of the Goddess Grid. We can only love that which we observe of you, and as such you are identified, named, and loved without end.”

Arkaceous paused. “Eldest sister, but how is it that I can be both defined, therefore limited by my definition, yet, embrace my limitless nature without losing my sense of self?"

The Mother of Intrinsic Connection replied: “It is from your defined ego centre that you, and the universe, expands. And from that place, you stand as a galactic reference point that couldn't exist without your unique and subjective perspective. As such, the network of consciousness is added to, not only in terms of size but in density. The Cosmic Weave is an interlaced relationship of everything that is, and it's added to, by you. Picture, if you will, that you are creating a multicoloured quilt with your life experience. Well, imagine now that your entire quilt is just a square in a larger blanket pattern. And that blanket is also just a square in an even larger quilt... and so forth. But if you look closer to a single square (such as yours, you can also travel inward…to a level of detail that goes forever. This internal detail is also being expanded-upon by you. It is both going outward, and infinitely within, into the depths of who you are, which adds to the overall richness of the cosmos.”

Arkaceous didn't flinch, she held her gaze, listening further.

Myceliana finished: “When we say that an individual 'has depth', what we are really saying is that they have expanded their identity inward, such that a great level of detail has been achieved, and has thus added a richness to this Galactic tapestry.” Myceliana looked at her sister, expectantly. She's been around the block, as they say, and has watched her sister transform more than a few times since her birth. She has witnessed her cyclical, circular path from ignorance to mastery, her changing identities, and the overarching development of a being utterly immersed in this cosmic game of 'peek-a-boo'.

Arkaceous stood up. “So, I've been at this game in order not only to understand myself, but, to forget about it so that I can restart from a new perspective, and add awareness to the fabric of reality, which adds to the blanket, which sets me apart from the other squares who are doing the same thing.” She chuckled a bit.

Myceliana, lent a rare smirk. “I see that all of your Arkaceous identities agree with this understanding.”

Tossing her wavy white hair over her right shoulder, Arkaceous looked at her elder sibling with appreciation and amusement. "You are wise, Myla."

“It's my job." Myceliana returned.

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